Golf scorecard holders are super easy to use and can be extremely useful. There’s so many different types of golf scorecard holders as well so you shouldn’t have a problem finding one that matches your style.
This is how to use a golf scorecard holder:
- Make sure you have a scorecard holder
- Grab your scorecard and fold it in a way that it will fit in the scorecard holder
- Slide the scorecard under the elastic bands that should come with your scorecard holder.
- Slide your little pencil in the top part of the scorecard holder
- When finished, put the scorecard holder in your back pocket, golf bag, or wherever you see fit.
I’ll go into the different types of scorecard holders down below, so keep reading.
Best Golf Scorecard Holder
Fuzzy Bunkers
Fuzzy Bunker Golf Scorecard Holder have seven different colors of the style that you see above.
- Gray
- Green
- Pink
- Purple
- Red
- Teal
- White
When you purchase a Fuzzy Bunker Golf Scorecard Holder, they give you a downloadable golf stat tracking sheet. You would put the stat tracking sheet on the adjacent side of the scorecard.
You can also save 15% on your purchase when you buy 2. Enter promo code: SAVEME15 at check out.
Torro Genuine Leather
The Torro Genuine Leather golf scorecard and yardage book holder is a hand made 100% genuine leather that comes in three colors.
- Black,
- Dark Brown
- Red
This scorecard holder comes with a really sweet feature, that feature is an additional flip up insert. This additional flip up feature allows you to hide your scorecard but access it extremely easily when you pull the scorecard holder out.
You can also remove the scorecard insert from the overall holder and just use that if you don’t need the yardage holder.
The yardage book comes with a pencil holder but the additional insert for you scorecard does not have a pencil holder.
So if you remove the scorecard holder from the yardage book, you would need to keep your pencil in your pocket or golf cart.
Overall, this is a very nice looking yardage book and scorecard holder. Meant for the sophisticated golfer for sure.
On Par
On Par is a premium crocodile skin golf scorecard holder that comes in only one color, crocodile.
This is one of the more reasonably priced golf scorecard holders and does everything the other two products do just as well.
The main difference is quality, you get what you pay for, that’s what they say when you buy something inexpensive and it falls apart on you.
Example: I went through a $25 leather wallet every year for about five years. I eventually purchased a $160 wallet that I’ve had for about six years now and love it.
Some Additional Inserts
Golf Scorecard And Statistics Book
This is a perfect insert into your yardage book or scorecard book. Keep track of only one book and not a bunch of scorecards.
The yardage books comes in a two pack and in total, you get 19 rounds of golf.
Another great feature is the paper isn’t any ordinary paper, the scorecard sheets are printed on Rite in the Rain paper.
Rite in the Rain
Speaking of Rite in the Rain paper, if you like taking notes while playing golf, just use the Rite in the Rain book.
Golf Scorecard Holder Dimensions
Golf Scorecard Holder Dimensions can vary for product to product. One thing that they all have in common is they should all fit in your back pocket.
Some might be too long and stick out a couple inches but that’s not a big deal in my opinion. You just don’t want it to be too wide, this would obviously prevent the scorecard holder from fitting in your back pocket.
Should I Use A Golf Scorecard Holder?
That depends, ask yourself these questions and you might be able to answer it pretty fast.
- Do you play golf more than once a week?
- Do you like keeping a scorecard on your body while you play?
- Do you usually walk, drive a golf cart, or use a push cart?
- Do you want to look cool?
That last question was just a joke but to the point, you either need a golf scorecard holder or you don’t. If you think that it will benefit you by keeping it in your back pocket, get one.
If you feel like your skill level is at a point where you shouldn’t even be keeping score because you’re in the 120+ range, don’t bother.
I say “don’t bother” not to be mean, but because you have so many other things to focus on other than score.
But, if you’re shooting bellow 95 or 100, sure, have at it.