How To Increase Distance In Golf Swing

Power can be elusive to golfers. Is it true that power can be generated through technique, strength or something more? Every golfer wants more power, more distance, more consistency.

Let’s face it, with the technology in golf clubs, golf balls, strength training, and nutrition, guys are hitting the ball 300 plus yards on a regular basis.

The fact still remains that when you are on the golf course you are walking (or riding) with a bag of tools. It is just a matter of using the right tool for the task at hand.

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Speaking of tools, golf swing training aids can take your game to the next level.  This swinging tool on amazon is something you can use your house without worrying about breaking something.

Let’s Face It

Everybody wants to squeeze a few extra yards out of our driver, 3 wood or hybrid. Big ‘Ol long drives right down the middle of the fairway will do wonders for your confidence while administering blows to your competitors.

And not only that… a 7 or 8 iron into the green offers a much better chance at a birdie opportunity than does a 5 or 6 iron… the shorter the approach shot the better.

So, all you need to do is swing harder… right?

Wrong… if that were the case we would all resolve our distance problems tomorrow.

Yes, developing a greater clubhead speed could be a possibility and would seem to be the answer. But, more often than not swing harder usually at the very least will produce a snap hook or a banana ball. So, although clubhead speed is a crucial ingredient, physically swinging harder isn’t the correct answer.

Allowing your body and mechanics to generate more clubhead speed is the focus. Not making your body and mechanics do it.

Driving for distance is timing and technique that generates clubhead speed at the precise moment by timing the release of much-stored energy that you develop through proper swing mechanics… not bigger muscles.

Here are seven ways to generate the kind of power you have only dreamed of…until now.

Number One

Spinal Rotation. Every time you swing the golf club, you rotate around your spine.

What does this have to do with power?

Power is generated every time you stabilize your hips to make a full backswing with spinal rotation. Most golfers have heard of the X factor.

This, of course, refers to the differential between the movement in your hips and your spine. Increase your spinal rotation and a new sense of power will be released.

Number Two

Core Based Exercises. Your body’s “core”, the area around your trunk and pelvis, is where your center of gravity is located.

Here’s What I Mean

When you have good core stability, the muscles in your pelvis, lower back, hips, and abdomen work in harmony. They provide support to your spine. The core is the power zone.

It is where all movement begins. A well-developed core allows for improved force output, increased neuromuscular efficiency, and decreased incidence of overuse injuries. A weak core can make you susceptible to poor posture and injury.

Number Three

Plyometrics is an exercise where the muscle is contracted eccentrically then immediately, concentrically.

Put Simply

The muscle is stretched (i.e. loaded) before it is contracted. A good example is medicine ball horizontal twists and standing golf swings.

According to a recent study published in the National Strength and Conditioning Association’s (NSCA) journal, amateur golfers significantly increased their driving distances after just eight weeks of strength training while incorporating plyometrics.

Mean driving distance increased 4.3% for the combined training group, with mean club head speed increasing 1.5%.

Number Four

Change your stance, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that if you simply widen your golf stance, you will be more stable. This stability will give you the power you need to swing the club steady and powerful.

When you are at the tee box, make sure that you are properly aligned on it. Sometimes a confusing layout of a tee box can throw an even experienced golfer off. Make sure that you are always standing behind the ball and looking right down the fairway. This is by far the easiest way to avoid any stance confusion.

Number Five

Use your toes to aim at the target. If you are left-handed, simply point your right toe right at the target. If you are right-handed, then vice versa is true. This will not only help your balance but will force your body to take direct aim.

Number Six

Focus… and then focus some more. Take your mind off every little thought in your head that does not have to do with hitting this ball the right way. Concentration is absolutely necessary to drive your ball longer.

One little uninvited though could throw off your whole game… and you don’t want that, do you?

Number Seven

Consider your form. Do you hurry through your backswing? Or, do you take the club back as far as you possibly can when using a backswing?

Which hand do you use more power in when hitting the ball? Do you keep your head still when swinging at the ball? If the things you are trying now aren’t working, then you need to tweak or change them, so that you can get something to work right for you.

If it is your form that needs to be changed, try some different positions. See what works right for you.

In the case of keeping your head straight when hitting the ball, for example, this will help you to know where the ball is going to be when you hit it. If your head is not steady, your control over the ball is not going to be there.

And lastly, before you get out on the golf course, give yourself a little piece of advice: ‘You can do it.’ Not only can you drive your ball longer, but you can also have fun when doing so. The more you are relaxed when going to play the game of golf, the better it will turn out for you!

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