Core flexibility training is critical if you want to improve your golf swing power and driving distance. Your core is the engine to your swing. If your core isn’t flexible, you will not be able to make a full backswing with minimal tension.
Picture your core being the middle of your body. That’s as simple as you can get it.
It is mainly your abdominals, but can also include glutes and lower back. This area of your body is the most susceptible to injury.
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That’s why exercises for driving long distances is crucial, you don’t want to get injured trying to outdrive your buddies.
Lower Back Pain?
That’s why the majority of amateur golfers have a low back injury at some point in their golfing career. They have never focused on core flexibility training, as well as core strength training for more power.
Have you ever seen the infomercial on the golf network called “Joey D Golf“?
Or maybe you have heard of it already and were wondering if it actually worked or not?
I purchased his kit for around $100 a few years ago and it was completely worth it. It focuses specifically on your core and if you already have a decent golf swing, this workout will take you to the next level.
Joey D Golf is mostly focused on core strength building and not so much core flexibility. But as you’re becoming more flexible, you could be building strength as well.
But you can get the DVD on amazon for a decent price, check it out in the link above. You won’t regret it!
Anyway, Where Were We?
Ahh yes, to produce more power and distance in your swing, you don’t swing harder with your arms. Haven’t you tried that before? If so, did you hit it farther? I’ll bet not.
Just like hitting a baseball, tennis ball or even throwing the discus in track and field, you use your core for most of your power. You rotate with your core to create torque, then you unleash that stored up energy into the hit, whether it be a baseball, tennis ball or golf ball.
The more efficient you become with using your core, arms, shoulders, and hands in a sequenced motion, the added distance will come quite easy. You’ll be shocked at how quickly your driving distance goes up.
Core flexibility training incorporates “rotation”. Golf stretching in this manner warrants the best results in the shortest amount of time!
Every core flexibility stretch you do should involve some form of rotating. This is very important since the golf swing is a rotate (turn) back and a rotate (turn) forward. The more range of motion you can achieve in your core area the more power you will produce.
Try This Right Now
Here’s a little test you can do while you’re sitting there reading this article!
Put your arms across your chest, keep your eyes focused straight ahead. Now rotate as far as you can to the right and make a not of how far it is. Did you get to a 90-degree shoulder turn (that’s where you need to be). Then rotate as far as you can to the left. How far did you get?
This will be a “wake-up” call for many of you. If you find you can’t rotate at least 70 degrees of center, you’ll have no chance at maximizing your power and driving distance.
We do this simple core flexibility test seated to remove cheating of the lower body. If you were standing, it would be very easy to rotate your hips and get a bigger shoulder rotation.
Being seated removes this compensation!
A seated rotation is “true” core flexibility and range of motion.
Let’s Talk About Some Exercises
So any core exercise for golf you do should incorporate rotational strength and flexibility. This is something Joey D Golf workout focuses on very well as I mentioned earlier.
One of the most difficult things for golfers to do is take a step back from their game and examine what they can do to improve performance. Strength training is a perfect example.
What almost all golfers overlook is developing the strength and awareness for the region of their body that can lead them to their best level no matter what the age or ability.
The Core
This area starts roughly at your belly button and goes up to the bottom of your sternum. It is the engine of your body and awareness of your core affects golf the most. Think of it as the link in the chain that needs to be the strongest, not the weakest.
Greg Norman would say when he wanted to hit it long he would get his belly button or belt buckle turning faster; which in other words is his or your core.
Some Simple Exercises
Two simple core exercises for golf that will quickly strengthen your core is ab crunches and back extensions. These would be the initial exercises, you need to work from a rotational standpoint to strengthen your core specific to golf.
Once you’ve accomplished the above exercises, you can move on to a crunch with a twist and a back extension with a twist. This will hit your rotational strength right away.
You can then progress up to standing on your feet doing several different variations of rotational movements with a single dumbbell, standing upright and also in your golf posture.
Let’s Get Creative
Getting creative with what you have laying around your house or even your office will do just fine. So maybe you don’t need Joey D Golf workout program.
A good example is at your office. Your sitting in your chair in front of your computer and your back gets stiff. Don’t just let it get stiffer, do a rotational stretch right there on the spot in your chair.
Reach around the back of your chair with one hand, and leverage the other hand against your thighs to rotate as far as you can. Hold it for 10 seconds and go to the other side. How simple was that? Try it right now as you’re reading this article!
That would be considered one exercise for your core golf workout that will improve your power golf swing. Do this several times a day, and try to rotate farther each time you do it. You’ll notice you can go much farther the more you do it.
Get Creative
Grab anything you have in your home or office that you can hold in your hands. While sitting or standing, extend your arms straight out in front of you and while looking straight ahead, rotate with your arms as far as you can to the right holding this object. Now rotate to the left. Do this a total of 20 times.
You’ll notice you will be able to rotate farther and farther after each rotation!
How hard was that? No gym. No fancy equipment. Just a can of soup, or even a half gallon of milk. If you’ve got some hand weights gathering dust, that’s even better. Try to increase your weight as time goes on.
Hopefully, you’re getting the idea of what a core golf workout is that will improve your power golf swing quickly.
As a golfer, always pay attention to the physical requirements of the golf swing. What position your body is in. What movement your body goes through. And at what rate of speed.
When you approach your golf exercise and golf stretching program with this mindset you’re on your way to a power golf swing that will be the envy of your foursome.