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How to Declare Pro Status in Golf: All You Need to Know

If you’re an avid golfer and looking to go pro, there are two different options that you might be considering: a Professional Golfers’ Association (PGA) Golf Professional and a Touring Professional. But how do you declare pro status in golf? 

To become a Touring Pro, you simply need to say that you begin to play for money and enter into a tournament with prize money. However, to become a PGA Golf Pro, you will devote about three years to intensive study, work experience, exams, and fees before entering into the PGA as a golf pro.

In the rest of this article, we will take a closer look at the steps required to go pro in either of these ways.

We will see exactly what is required if you are interested in becoming a PGA Golf Pro and what steps will be necessary along the way to achieve that rewarding certification.

How to Become a PGA Golf Pro

A PGA Golf Pro is usually someone who runs a golf course or has a golf-related professional and will be responsible for teaching, running tournaments, and other related tasks.

If you’re interested in having a golf-related career, such as the golf course manager, golf instructor, or course designer, this is the route you will want to take. 

The process is an intensive commitment but can be thought of like a college education. It is the way to prepare yourself for and be qualified for a career in the golf industry. 

The program established for this career path is known as the PGA Golf Management University Program (PGM).

There are three levels to this program, each level taking on average one year to complete. Of course, there are some basic requirements, such as being at least 18 years old and having a high school diploma or its equivalent.

Once those criteria are met, let’s look at how you can get started with the process.

Get a Job in the Golf Industry

If you don’t already have, the first thing you will need is a job in the golf industry.

Usually, this will involve working under someone who is already a PGA Professional and could be a position such as an assistant at a golf club.

There is a range of jobs that will qualify, but you will need to be working for at least six months before you sign up for the program. 

Additionally, you will need to remain actively working in your role for about three years.

This is mandatory to fulfill the work experience portion of the program.

Another important note here is that if you were to join an amateur golf tournament somewhere in your employment time, you would be giving up all your work experience gained before participating in that golf event. 

Pass a Background Check

Before you are able to register for the PGM program, you will need to successfully pass a background check. This will be completed online and will be paid for by you.

Pass the Entry Exam

Once the background check is complete, it’s time to pass the first written exam. Before you can get started with the first official level of study, you will need to pass this qualifying level.

This will include five topics you will study on your own, and once you pass, you will be able to move on to the next step.

Prove Your Golf Abilities

Of course, if you are looking to make a golf career, you must have the skills yourself.

The Player Ability Test (also known as the PAT) is a skills test where you are asked to play two rounds of golf, each of which will be assigned a particular score.

If you shoot lower than the assigned score, you pass the test. 

According to the PGA, only 20% of people who attempt the PAT pass it successfully.

It is a test you must diligently prepare for and bring your best game to. Your score on this test will be good for eight years.

So, you will have time between passing this test and having to register and begin your course of study officially.

Register and Begin Your Course Work

Once you have completed all prior steps, you can officially register. This will involve submitting paperwork and paying a fee.

From this point, studying begins. This part of the process will look the most like university classes, with textbooks, self-study, exams, and seminars

Each of the three levels of coursework will usually take about a year to complete, but you can work at your own pace as long as you finish each level within three years of its start.

Each level will involve final exams that you must pass to move on to the next level of study. 

Complete All Course Work

Once each level has been completed within the proper timeline, you will also need to have finished your work experience. You will need 30 credits of work experience in your job in the golf industry. 

For each month of full-time employment, you earn one credit of work experience. Therefore, after three years of continuous full-time employment, you will have satisfied the work experience portion of the PGM.

Pay Your Fees and Get Elected In

For each step in the process, you will be required to pay fixed fees determined by the PGA. For the full look at these fees.

To give you a general idea, a rough total based on the current fee structure will be around $4,000 for the whole program.

Once all of these steps have been completed, you are finally eligible to be elected into the PGA. Once this happens, you are ready to begin seeking out your dream job in the golf industry.

Alternative Ways of Completing the PGM

The PGM is now available as part of the curriculum in 20 universities in the USA.

If you are entering university and can choose this as your course of study, you will have the ability to graduate with both a bachelor’s degree and the PGA Golf Professional status. 

Another benefit of this route is that you will have the university’s infrastructure and its experienced mentors to guide you effectively through the program.

Benefits of Completing the PGM

By becoming a PGA Golf Professional in this manner, you will have a credential that will be widely recognized and respected through the golf industry.

It will be a sign to future employers of your skill and commitment as it is well-known how extensive this program is in the golf world.

How to Become a Touring Pro

Becoming a touring pro requires much less formal coursework than becoming a PGA golf professional.

You can simply say one day, “I’m going to play for money,” and that’s it, you’re a golf professional.

However, your ability to actually make a living from your golf game is highly dependent on your skills and performance on the course. 

If you’re looking to get into higher stakes tournaments, you will have to play in a qualifying round.

This could be on the local level, national, or for the few that are at the very top of the game a highly competitive tour such as the PGA Tour.

Final Thoughts

If you’re an avid golfer with a dream of making the game into your career, you have options to make this dream reality.

If you’re interested in playing for money, you can join in pro tournaments and let your game speak for itself.

If you are more interested in teaching or business management, you can pursue this interest through the PGA’s educational program.

Should I Sharpen My Golf Clubs?

Sharpening your club’s grooves is a great way to improve your game since sharp clubs perform better than dull ones.

However, there are certain USGA regulations you should be aware of before sharpening your clubs, especially if you are a competitive player. 

You should sharpen your golf clubs because it can improve backspin and increase ball control. But you should be cautious because your grooves can become non-conforming. You may choose to invest in new clubs instead of sharpening old ones to make sure they comply with the rules. 

This article will go over how sharpening your grooves influences your game, the USGA’s rules regarding sharpening and groove dimensions, and how to sharpen your club’s grooves.

How Does Sharpening Influence My Game?

When you sharpen the grooves in your golf club, you enhance your performance by improving your backspin and increasing your ball control. We will go over each of these factors in detail below. 

Helps Improve Your Backspin

Sharpening your golf clubs’ grooves helps enhance your performance since sharp and clean grooves permit you to get a better backspin on the golf ball. 

Backspin is important because it allows you to get more lift on your golf ball, permitting you to hit it farther.

Backspin also allows you to hit the ball closer to your target since balls shot with a backspin are more likely to stay put when they hit the ground.

Being able to hit the ball close to your target in the air is advantageous because you can avoid any bumps, holes, or other obstacles you may run into if you were hitting the ball along the ground. 

As you can see, backspin is an important aspect of golf. When your grooves are dirty and dull, your ball’s backspin will suffer. This will negatively impact your gameplay and will make you lose your competitive edge. 

Increases Your Ball Control

Grooves allow debris such as water and dirt to go inside them, which makes the golf ball’s contact with the club cleaner and more predictable.

Without sharp grooves, debris can disrupt your shot, causing the ball to move in unpredictable ways. This can seriously impact your game, especially when you are shooting from the rough.

So, if you want to shoot consistent shots, sharp grooves are key. 

Is Sharpening Golf Clubs Against the Rules?

Sharpening your grooves is not against the rules. However, specific regulations regarding groove width, depth, and separation need to be met, or else your clubs will become non-conforming.

While this may not matter to you, if you are a casual player, anyone who wants to play competitively will need to take these restrictions into consideration before they pull out their sharpeners. 

Wedges, fairway woods, irons, and hybrid grooves all need to be checked to make sure they conform to USGA standards before they can be used in a competition. 

According to USGA’s website, the regulations are as follows:

  • If more than 50% of the grooves’ widths exceed 0.035 inches (0.889 mm) or if anyone groove’s width exceeds 0.037 inches (0.940 mm), the club is non-conforming. 
  • If more than 50% of the grooves’ depths exceed 0.020 inches (0.508 mm) or if anyone’s groove depth exceeds 0.022 inches (0.559 mm), then the club is non-conforming. 
  • If more than 50% of the clubs’ groove separations are less than 0.075 inches (1.905 mm), then the club is non-conforming.

It is possible for you to sharpen your clubs and still conform to these regulations. However, if you accidentally sharpen too much and remove too much metal, these dimensions are so small that it would be hard to tell.

Therefore, you could easily be breaking the rules without even realizing it. 

Also, some clubs are made with grooves that are very close dimension-wise to the regulation width and depth, so if you sharpen them even a little bit, they will no longer conform. 

So, if you are a competitive player who is worried about grinding out too much metal, you may want to invest in new wedges when your grooves get dull instead of using a sharpener.

This way you will always know that your grooves conform to the regulations, so you will not have to worry about accidentally breaking any rules during tournaments. 

How Do I Sharpen My Golf Grooves?

Follow these six steps to effectively sharpen the grooves in your golf club and improve your game: 

  1. Determine if your club has “U” or “V” shaped grooves. Before you start sharpening, look up your clubs online or look at their manufacturing details to determine their groove shape. You will need to know this in order to purchase the correct sharpening tool for your clubs. 
  1. Clean the face of the club. Clean the face of your club with warm water and dish soap. Use a scrub brush to clean out the grooves and to get the face nice and clean. You may not be able to get all of the debris out of the grooves, but try to get as much as you possibly can.  
  1. Shield your club face from the sharpener. While you are sharpening your grooves, you can slip and accidentally scratch the face of your club. To prevent this, put masking tape on either side of your club’s face. This will help safeguard it from any scratches. 
  1. Use oil to clean out the groove. Put a little bit of WD-40 into the grooves. If you do not have WD-40, bike oil is also effective. Use the oil to lubricate the grooves so that the sharpener will easily glide down each channel. 
  1. Bring the sharpener through each groove at a 45° angle. When you hold your clubs at this angle, it should feel like you are writing with a pencil. Do not use too much force as you are doing this. Run the sharpener through the grooves at this angle five times or until the surface of each groove starts looking as shiny as it did when you first got it. 
  1. Change the angle of the sharpener to make it vertical. Once the grooves start looking shiny and new, change the angle of your hand. Apply more pressure and run the sharpener through each groove. This will help the groove achieve its original depth. 

After you complete all of these steps, your clubs should be sharp and ready to hit the green. 

If you would prefer to see these steps done in a video format, check out this clip by Tick Tock Golf. In the video, a golf professional demonstrates how to use the sharpener to properly clean out each groove. He also tells you when to apply more and less pressure and how to move the sharpening head along each channel correctly: 


Sharpening the grooves of your golf clubs is a great way to increase your ball control and to enhance your backspin. Grooves allow the ball and club to come into direct contact without being obstructed by debris. 

Sharpening the grooves of your golf clubs is legal in golf. However, they must conform to the legal width, depth, and separation standards after sharpening, or else they will become non-conforming.

Competitive players need to be careful when they are sharpening their clubs, or else they will become illegal and will not be allowed to be used during competitions. 

Hopefully, this article has taught you everything you need to know about sharpening your clubs.

How to Choose a Golf Cart Battery: 8 Essential Tips

Whether you enjoy golfing on a cool day or don’t mind hitting the course on a hot day, you need a working golf cart.

That way, you don’t have to waste time walking from hole to hole. The right battery can make a huge difference in how your golf cart works.

To choose a golf cart battery, consider the battery capacity and voltage to make sure the power will last. Some battery terminals and wires may need maintenance, and the battery type can also be important. A warranty is worth getting for any golf cart battery to make sure it’s covered.

Whether you just got a new golf cart or need to replace your current battery, you need to know how to choose the right battery.

That way, you can spend all day golfing and riding around the course without worry. Keep reading to learn how to choose the right golf cart battery for you.

Review the Battery Capacity

The first thing to look at when choosing a golf cart battery is the battery capacity. Many golf cart batteries use Amp Hours (AH) to measure how much charge a battery can hold.

The average golf cart battery has 180 to 225 amp hours, which means you can get about 18 to 22 hours of use per charge.

If a golf game takes you about four hours, that means you can use the cart for four to five games between charges. But if you have a smaller battery with less capacity, you’ll need to charge it more often.

Charging may not be an issue if you have access to a charger. But if you share your golf cart or store it at a club, you may not always be able to charge it.

Any battery can also lose some of its capacity after a while, so having good capacity now will help you prepare for later on.

Check the Voltage

Along with battery capacity, you should choose a golf cart battery with good voltage.

You can find batteries with voltages between 6 and 12 volts, and the total voltage is 36 to 72 volts. Voltage may not affect how long the battery lasts, but it can affect your speed.

A golf cart with a higher-voltage battery can accelerate more quickly. You won’t have to waste time trying to get your golf cart to pick up speed between holes.

While you don’t need the maximum voltage, you should consider how fast you want to go. If you want to go a bit faster, you’ll need to look for high voltage golf cart batteries.

High voltage batteries can be useful, but consider how they relate to the charge capacity to choose the best golf cart battery for you.

Consider the Terminals and Wires

Next, you should consider if the terminals and wires are easy to clean and maintain. If you don’t want to spend a ton of time working on your golf cart, you’ll need low-maintenance parts.

But if you don’t mind getting dirty and working on your cart, you can get terminals and wires that require more care.

Battery terminals and wires that need more maintenance can get hot more easily. They may also lead to dangers, such as fires or corrosion.

You shouldn’t buy a golf cart battery without knowing how much care it needs.

Some good batteries require more maintenance, but you have to consider if a battery is right for you. However, you don’t need a low-maintenance battery if you can’t work on it yourself.

Professional Help

If the best golf cart battery for you requires maintenance, you can get some professional help. You can look for a local golf cart supply store and ask about maintenance services.

Whenever you need to work on your cart, you can take it to a professional to do the work for you.

A professional can make sure the battery is clean and that the wires and terminals are in good condition.

They can perform routine maintenance to keep problems from developing, and they can fix problems that do occur.

However, you do have to make sure you can get the golf cart to a professional. Make sure you have a way to transport the cart or find a professional near your local golf course for easy access.

Choose a Good Battery Brand

You can find tons of golf cart batteries out there, but you should consider the brand. Popular brands include Trojan, Crown Batteries, and US Batteries.

But you should look for a brand that makes batteries that are compatible with your golf cart.

The best brand for one golf cart may not work well for yours, and that’s okay.

You should consider where the battery goes on your golf cart and how old the cart is. If it’s an older model, you may need to search for a compatible battery.

No matter what cart you have, you can ask a local battery shop or the golf cart company for recommendations. That way, you can find a battery that will fit your cart and power it for your next golf game.

Decide Which Type of Battery

You can choose between lead-acid and lithium-ion batteries. Lead-acid batteries use older technology, but they have been around for a long time.

If you currently have a lead-acid battery, you may not want to switch to the other type.

However, lithium-ion batteries provide a few benefits over lead-acid ones. When choosing which type of battery is best for your golf cart, consider a few factors.


Lithium batteries are almost always lighter than lead-acid batteries. The average lithium-ion battery weighs about 28 pounds, but an average lead-acid battery weighs 65 pounds.

Some lead-acid batteries can weigh 130 pounds. Even if you’re strong enough to maneuver a heavy battery, it can slow you down.

Your cart will have to work harder to carry the extra weight of a heavier lead-acid battery.

So you may not be able to carry as many golf clubs or have others ride the cart with you.

If your current cart and battery run just fine, you can get a battery with the same weight. And sometimes, heavier batteries can be useful.

If you don’t usually have a heavy load while golfing, a bulkier battery may not be a big deal.

Full Charge

You should also consider how long a battery will charge its full capacity. When you first get a lead-acid battery, it will be able to charge completely.

However, it can slowly start to lose its maximum capacity over its life.

A lithium-ion battery will hold its full charge capacity longer than a lead-acid battery. While it can lose some capacity over its life, it will take longer for that to happen.

You’ll get more full charges out of a lithium battery, so you won’t have to charge it as often.

That can be especially useful if you don’t always have a place to charge your golf cart battery. You can charge it a few times a month rather than after every golf game.

Charge Cycles

Another benefit lithium-ion batteries have over lead-acid batteries is the number of charge cycles you get. The average lead-acid battery can charge about 100 to 500 times.

So if you charge your golf cart battery every week, it may only last for a couple of years.

Couple that with the diminishing charge capacity, and you may need to charge it more as you use the battery.

But a lithium-ion battery can have as many as 5000 cycles. So you can charge it at least ten times more than an equivalent lead-acid battery.

Even if the two batteries are just as powerful and can hold just as much of a charge, the lithium one is a better option.

If you charge a lithium-ion battery each week, it can last for a decade. As long as you take care of it, you won’t have to choose the best golf cart battery for a long time.

Consider the Installation Process

You can install a golf cart battery yourself, but you may want or need a professional.

Some battery companies will install the battery for you. In other cases, you may need to pay extra for the service. But in any case, it can help you make sure the battery works well.

Even if you get the best golf cart battery for you, it may not work well if you don’t install it correctly. You should only install the battery yourself if you know what you’re doing.

If you’re on a budget, you may also be able to install it, but follow any instructions you have exactly.

Still, hiring a professional to install the golf cart battery can be worth it. They’ll make sure it goes in correctly, and they can perform a safety check on your entire golf cart.

Then, you won’t have to worry about stuff going wrong when you use your cart. A pro can also answer your questions about maintaining your battery, which can help you avoid even more problems.

Verify Your Budget

Next, you should consider how much you can afford to spend on a golf cart battery. It can help to compare this with the type of battery you want.

Since lithium-ion batteries last longer than lead-acid, you may be able to justify a higher price tag.

Overall, you should have an idea of how much money you have for your next battery. Many golf cart batteries cost between $600 and $1,600, so that’s a good budget to set.

However, you may be able to find batteries that cost more or less than that.

Golf cart battery prices can also vary from brand to brand and location to location. You may get a better deal online if you live in a high cost of living area.

But you may find some brands are always more expensive, no matter where you live.

You Get What You Pay For

If you don’t have a ton of money, it can be tempting to get the cheapest golf cart battery. However, most batteries give you what you pay for.

If you go cheap, your battery may not be very powerful, and it might not last long.

On the other hand, investing in a good battery means you can use it for years. You won’t have to worry about a ton of maintenance or issues.

And you may not have to charge it that often for it to work. Consider if you want to spend more now or in the future before you buy a golf cart battery.

How to Make Your Golf Cart Battery Last

Once you choose the best golf cart battery for you, you want to make it last. Whether you spend a few hundred on a battery or more, you don’t want it to break on you.

Luckily, you can make the most of almost any golf cart battery.

Here are a few tips to follow if you want to extend the life of your new or current golf cart battery.

Store Your Cart Properly

One of the easiest things you can do to extend your battery’s life is to protect it. So make sure you have a safe place for it to go when you aren’t using it.

Keep the golf cart out of the rain and extreme temperatures. If you get snow during the winter, keep your golf cart inside.

Storing your cart in the wrong place may not immediately affect your battery. But if your battery is always out in the heat or rain, it can affect it.

You should make sure the top of the battery is clean and dry, and storing the cart well can help that.

Water the Battery Regularly

When your golf cart battery is cool, you can open the tops of the battery cells. Look for the water fill holes and add distilled water to the battery.

Avoid tap water because it can have impurities that affect the battery.

You can fill the water to about one quarter to one-half inch above the plates. Less water will require more frequent watering, but more water can increase the chance of acid buildup.

Consider what you’re willing to deal with regarding your golf cart. You may need to experiment to find what works for you and what your battery needs to work well.

If you aren’t sure what to do, start with less water, and you can add more later if you choose.

Clean the Battery

If you notice some acid or corrosion on your golf cart battery, you can clean it. You can mix a gallon of water with a cup of baking soda, and you can adjust the ratios based on how much you need. Then, you can spread the mix over the battery.

The baking soda will neutralize the acid and make it easy to remove. After it bubbles up, you can use water to remove the mixture from the battery.

However, make sure you do so over rocks or dirt because it can stain concrete.

If you want an easier option to clean your battery, you can buy a battery cleaner. However, most people have water and baking soda available, and it’s not that hard to use.

Still, a battery cleaner won’t create as much of a mess, so it can be quicker.

Monitor the Voltage Gauge

As you use your golf cart, check the voltage gauge when you can. Some golf carts have analog gauges, while others use electric ones. Both can tell you how much charge and power your golf cart battery has.

You should check the gauge when you first replace the battery to know what the highest levels are. Then, if you notice a significant drop, you’ll know that your golf cart battery is starting to die.

Other signs that the battery is almost dead are if it takes longer than normal to accelerate and takes longer to charge. You shouldn’t have to work too hard to speed up or wait that long for a charge.

Overall, knowing how your battery functions when it’s new can help you notice changes later.

Replace the Battery

While you can extend a golf cart battery’s life, you may not always be able to save it. If a battery is beyond repair, your best bet will be to repair it.

You should also attempt to replace the battery early so that it doesn’t die when you’re in the middle of a golf game.

If you don’t want to waste what’s left of the battery, you can get a new battery and take it with you on your next game. That way, you can swap out the batteries if the old one dies when you’re on the course.

But if your current battery is giving you problems with charging and acceleration, it may not be worth that. Switching the batteries early can save you a lot of stress during a golf game.

Final Thoughts

Choosing a golf cart battery may not seem like a big deal, but it can make or break your experience.

You want a low-maintenance battery that can hold a charge and get you around the golf course. So keep these tips in mind next time you have to get a new battery.

What is the Best Time of the Year to Buy Golf Shoes?

When you think about golf gear, the first thing that likely comes to mind is your clubs; however, there is an equally important piece of equipment you should not ignore – your golf shoes.

While the shoes may not get much attention, they can impact your game more than you think. The question is – when should you replace them?

The best time of the year to buy golf shoes is in the golfing off-season where you live. If you live in the northern part of the U.S., the best time to buy shoes is between November and February. If you live in the south, the best time would be January or February. 

If you wonder if your golf shoes are up to par (pun intended), keep reading.

Here you can find all the information you need regarding your golf shoes’ longevity and what part of the year you should buy them. This knowledge can help you make an informed decision you feel good about.

The Best Time to Buy Golf Shoes

The northern part of the U.S., including Washington, Michigan, and many Northeast states, has shorter golf seasons than individuals in the south.

Usually, people up north will golf from April to October. In the Midwest and Central part of the U.S., the seasons are similar, but this area may also be golfing in March and November.

For southern states, such as Florida, Arizona, and Texas, golf is almost year-round. Sometimes, natives will halt their activities in December and January if the weather gets too cold.

To find the best deals on golf shoes, you should try to buy during the off-season for your region.

This is typically when pro shops and sporting good stores offer deals and discounts because fewer people are playing, which means fewer people are buying new gear.

If you discover you need new golf shoes mid-season, shop around and look for discount codes or coupons you can use for your purchase. High-quality golf shoes are an investment, so keep this in mind.

When Should You Replace Your Golf Shoes?

Your golf shoes do not have a set or general expiration date. It is impossible to say that you should replace your shoes every year, every six months, or even every five years.

Factors that impact how often you need to purchase new golf shoes include how often you use them and how well you maintain and care for them when the shoes are not being used.

For example, if you play in wet weather, keep your shoes in your vehicle’s trunk, or do not clean the uppers and the outsoles often, you may only get a single golf season from them (if that).

On the other hand, golfers who always clean their shoes after playing and store them in the right environment after using them may get three or even four seasons from a single pair of shoes (or more).

It is important to note that you may walk up to five miles during a single round of 18 holes.

If you golf regularly, these miles add up. The spikes in your shoes will get damaged over time, which means less traction and deteriorating support.

At some point, wearing regular tennis shoes may be best since the golf shoes will no longer have the needed grip.

Several signs will let you know that new golf shoes are necessary, too. These are highlighted here.

Feeling Off-Balance

Do you feel slightly off-balance when you swing your clubs? If so, you may try to tinker with how you swing; however, the real fix is with your footwear.

A loss of traction is an obvious sign you should update your golf shoes. If you tend to slip while making your stroke or walking along the course, your shoes likely need to be replaced.

If you feel water on your feet because it is seeping through your shoes, it is also a sign that new shoes are needed.

Comfort Considerations

Comfortable footwear is essential when playing golf. If your insoles are worn down, or the uppers are no longer water-resistant or waterproof, buying new shoes is necessary. This can help ensure your feet stay comfortable for the entire round.

Tips for Selecting the Right Golf Shoes

The main difference between golf shoes and regular shoes (or other sporting shoes) is the metal spikes. The spikes provide additional stability for a gofer. Also, unlike with cleats, the spikes can be replaced as needed.

Golf shoes have evolved over the years. Today, they feature soft rather than hard spikes to help reduce damage to the greens. While these spikes require more replacement and maintenance, they offer benefits.

When selecting golf shoes, there are a few things to remember:

  • Find your personal style. Sometimes, half of the choice you make is whether a shoe fits your style. You can find golf shoes ranging from sneakers to Oxfords and even leather, banded sandals. There are others with pronounced heels. Choosing a business style shoe may be beneficial if you take clients or business partners to the course. However, for casual golfing, be sure to find a shoe that fits.
  • Consider what you find comfortable. Comfort is subjective. However, usually, golf shoes will fit tighter than everyday shoes. It would help if you had a close fit to keep the shoe in place and ensure it provides the long-term support your feet need.
  • Take note of your size. Golf shoes are typically a half-size smaller than everyday shoes. This is to keep your foot tight to the ground and secure. If you are not sure how a golf shoe should fit, be sure to ask someone at the pro shop for help.

Tips for Maintaining Your New Golf Shoes

Once you find and purchase new golf shoes, you should take steps to ensure they last as long as possible. To do this, follow these maintenance tips:

  • Only wear shoes when golfing. Never wear your golf shoes in your vehicle, in the parking lot, on the range, or as regular shoes. If so, you will reduce their lifespan significantly. Instead, have a dedicated pocket in your golf bag for the shoes and wear slip-ons until you are stepping up to your first tee.
  • Shop carefully. Your top concern may be the shoes’ look, which is a valid concern, but you should focus more on comfort. You are going to regret getting a sharp-looking pair of shoes that hurt your feet.
  • Find a shoe with replaceable spikes. If you purchase nice golf shoes, be sure you can replace the spikes. Watch this video to see how they help increase the shoe’s longevity because you can replace the spikes rather than buy all new shoes:


Buying new golf shoes can be exciting. With the right ones, you may even improve your game.

Knowing when new shoes are needed and what time of year to buy them will ensure you get comfortable shoes for an affordable price.

It is also necessary to consider the right factors when shopping for this type of shoe, as they will impact the results you achieve.

Once you have found and purchased new golf shoes, be sure to care for them to keep them in good, wearable condition as long as possible.

Being informed, knowing what to look for, and taking the right steps are the best ways to improve your golf game and get the most out of your golf shoes.

10 Best Golf Clubs for Short Players

People often wonder whether height differences count in golf. In a real sense, height is a non-factor in golf and won’t give you an advantage over opponents; however, the trick lies in the type of equipment you use.

Short players will be at a disadvantage when playing with clubs meant for taller golfers. So, what are some of the best golf clubs for short players?

The best golf clubs for short players should be long enough to allow for a better swing and stance. Besides shaft length, the best clubs should also have good, tacky grips to help reduce the total number of strokes. Ideally, the best golf club should match your wrist-to-floor measurements.

Are you looking to learn more about the best golf clubs for short players? Read on for an in-depth review of ten of the best golf clubs for short players and a guide on how to play to your strengths on whichever golf course.

Wilson Men’s and Teen Complete Golf Set

The Wilson Men’s and Teen Complete Golf Set comes as a set, and it is packed with a driver, fairway wood, hybrid irons #6, 7, 8, and 9, pitching wedge heel, head covers, and a carry bag.

Although not the best for experienced golfers, this golf set is ideal for beginner golfers looking to improve their overall performance.

Meant for use by both men and teens, short golfers will love using this set. Customizing the golf clubs to meet your personal preferences shouldn’t be too hard, considering the product has favorable dimensions for short golfers.


  • Alignment putter comes with a soft paddle grip to help improve aim and distance
  • Comes with a 460cc Titanium matrix driver that uses hot face to launch the ball
  • The clubs have large sweet spots for better performance
  • The clubs are responsive and highly forgiving, which improves weight distribution


  • Not ideal for experienced short golfers

Ram Golf Accubar Plus Golf Right Hand Clubs Set

The beauty of this golf club set is its versatility. The Ram Golf Accubar Plus Golf Right Hand Club comes in two styles, regular and stiff.

The stiff flex is ideal for tall players, while the regular flex is perfect for 5’4″- 5’7″ players.

The shaft is 1 inch (2.5 cm) shorter and is made from 100% graphite material. The 16-piece golf set also features a 460cc driver with an oversized head and a 10.5° loft.

Impressively, the set comes with a handy dual-strap bag that’s packed with tons of pockets. You also get six high-quality stainless-steel irons that feature a cavity black design for an aesthetically appealing look. 


  • The regular flex option is ideal for youths or short players under 5’6″ 
  • Mallet putters are easy to align 
  • The driver head’s large size allows for a greater sweet-spot 
  • Comes with a quality bag with several pockets 
  • The clubs are lightweight but well balanced for increased responsiveness 


  • Not ideal for left-handed golfers 

Cobra Golf 2020 Men’s Airspeed Complete Set

Cobra Golf needs no introduction when it comes to the manufacturing of high-quality golf clubs.

The Cobra Golf 2020 Men’s Airspeed Complete Set comes in two main sizes: the regular flex and the senior flex. For youths or short golfers, the regular flex is preferred. 

The golf set comes with an offset driver featuring a high-quality carbon crown to deliver a great combination of speed and forgiveness without compromising its overall weight.

With this golf club set, you also get two fairways: one 3-wood and the other 5-wood. These fairways feature an offset, carbon crown, and heel biased weighting to improve distance shooting and accuracy.

You’ll also love the 4 and 5 hybrids that make use of heel biased weighting to make long shots easier and accurate.

The six iron clubs boast great lofts and perimeter weighting to launch your balls high and straight for increased birdie opportunities.

The blade putter has a machined face that gives you more control over your long and short putts. 


  • Ideal for distance forgiveness and control, making it ideal for game improvement 
  • Designed to suit all golf players regardless of skill or playing style 
  • The offset driver—thanks to its carbon crown—delivers impressive forgiveness without compromising on ball speed
  • Heel based weighting makes it easier to use the 4 and 5 hybrid clubs, thus improving your performance on long approach shots
  • Comes packed with a premium cart bag 
  • The clubs are designed to be lightweight and comfortable on the hand


  • Available for right-handed golf players only

Strata Men’s Golf Packaged Sets

You can choose to buy the Strata Men’s Golf Packaged Sets in different sets.

From the regular 12-piece set to the regular 16-piece set and even the stiff 16-piece set, you have more than enough options to suit your golfing needs.

Although the product comes in regular and stiff flexes, it’s best advised to buy the regular set if you’re a short golfer.

The regular 12-piece set comes in both the right-and-left hand orientation, making it ideal for everyone. 

The 12-piece set includes a driver, a 3-wood club, a 5 hybrid, six 9 iron, putter, pitching wedge, stand bag, and two headcovers.

The 3-wood club has reduced loft compared to a 4-wood and will go further, making it ideal for long shots.

The 5-hybrid club present in the set is a perfect alternative to long iron and allows you to make a variety of shots. 


  • The mallet putter is well aligned to enhance shooting accuracy 
  • The 9-irons come with short shafts allowing for more loft, forgiveness, and control 
  • Comes in both left-and-right hand options 
  • Comes with a 460cc forged driver with a large-enough sweet spot that provides more forgiveness to allow you to hit farther off the tee 


  • Complaints have been made about the durability and resilience of the wood head

Lazrus Premium Golf Irons Regular Flex

The Lazrus Premium Golf Irons Regular Flex comes as a set of 7 golf irons.

A pitching wedge, 4-iron, 5-iron, 7-iron, 8-iron, and 9-iron make up the set, which in turn gives you greater control in terms of loft and desired trajectory. 

These golf iron clubs are regular-sized, making them ideal for short and youth golf players.

The main caveat with this product, however, is that it’s only available for right-handed golfers.

The set also features custom Lazrus grips while the deep grooves allow for a greater spin, control, and consistency. 


  • Well-priced and affordable for everyday or occasional use 
  • Comes with a variety of golf irons, giving you better control of your style of play 
  • Regular flex makes it ideal for short golfers
  • The iron clubs have deep grooves that allow for greater control and consistency 


  • Not suitable for left-handed players 

Palm Springs Golf Men’s All Graphite Club Set

The Palm Springs Golf club set comes with a unique, oversize 460cc driver, which is the largest that’s legally allowed.

The oversize driver allows you to take advantage of the huge sweet spot that increases chances of making strong, long, and straight shots compared to clubs with smaller sweet spots.

Although different sized people can use this golf club set, it’s best for short players under 5’7″.

You’ll also love the cavity back design of the six irons that come in this set. The lower center of gravity (COG) allows for more consistent and forgiving clubs. 

To achieve those solid rolls, you can take advantage of the uniquely shaped putter that drives in enough power at the point of impact. 


  • Regular flex makes it ideal for short golfers 
  • The set includes two hybrids that are perfect for long approaches or getting out of tricky situations in the rough
  • The set comes with matching headcovers and a high-quality bag 
  • Boasts of a low-profile fairway wood that allows you to hit off the grass without using a tee
  • Available for both left and right-handed golfers 
  • The bag comes with a 7-way divider that improves club organization 


  • Complaints have been made about the quality of the pitching wedge after prolonged use

Wilson Women’s Complete Golf Set

The Wilson Women’s Complete Golf Set is ideal for short women golfers.

It comes in four styles that you can choose from: the ultra plus, profile platinum, SGI, and Ultra. Profile platinum works best for players under 5’6″ and contains ten clubs.

The set comes with a higher lofted driver with a large enough sweet spot to boost your game performance.

To enhance the golf clubs’ performance, Wilson uses its famed super game improvement technology, which makes the clubs lighter and capable of long distances.  

The hybrid comes with a reinforced graphite shaft that also creates a large sweet spot for better distances.

All the heads are engineered for enhanced control due to their lower COGs that produce greater distance due to improved launch trajectories. 

You’ll also love the perimeter-weighted hot iron face that allows you to make great off-center hits.  


  • Makes use of modern technology to improve overall performance 
  • The club heads have low COGs for improved launch trajectory and greater distance 
  • Perfect size for short golf players  
  • Comes with a premium bag with tons of pockets, shoulder strap (double padded), and lifting handles 


  • Might need some getting used to due to shaft length 

Cobra Golf 2020 Women’s Airspeed Complete Set

If you’re a short-sized golf enthusiast, then you should look no further than this release by Cobra Golf. The Cobra Golf 2020 Women’s Airspeed Complete Set stands out due to its lightweight design.

All the clubs, from the driver to the fairways, putter, irons, and hybrids, use modern technology to enhance efficiency during play.

 You get six irons with this set: a 6-iron, 7-iron, 8-iron, 9-iron, sand wedge, and a pitching wedge. You also get one 5-hybrid, three fairways (3,5,7), a single driver, and one putter.

You’ll also love the premium bag that features 9-zippered compartments and an insulated beverage (cooler) pocket. 


  • Ideal for short golfers, even those under 5’3″
  • The 5-hybrid club features an offset design and heel-based weighting for more accurate long approach shots
  • The low-profile irons allow for greater lofts and are perimeter weighted for more birdie opportunities 
  • Boasts of a high-quality, machined-face mallet putter for increased control when making long or short putts. 
  • Lightweight and easy for short ladies to swing 


  • Costlier compared to other golf sets within its range 

Precise ES Ladies Women’s Complete Right-Handed Golf Clubs

The good thing with this ladies’ golf club set is its versatility in regards to the size.

You can choose between the petite size (ideal for 5’3″ and below), regular size (ideal for 5’3″ – 5’8″ players), and the tall size (perfect for 5’8″ height range and above). 

The set is packed with a driver, hybrid, 7-irons, putter, fairway wood, and a stand bag. The clubs feature a lightweight design that allows you to swing with ease without compromising on distance and accuracy. 

Please note that when buying this product, you’ll need to choose your preferred size in terms of height. It comes in regular size, so if you’re shorter than 5’3″, then you might need to settle for the petite option. 


  • Lightweight and easy for first-timers to use 
  • Comes in different flexes depending on client needs 
  • The bag has a compact collapsing stand and also comes with a removable cover 


  • Only suitable for right-handed short golfers

Lazrus Premium Forged Golf Wedge Set for Men

Although not a complete set, this set of golf wedges comes in different sizes, making it perfect for golfers looking to add perfect-sized wedges to their club collection.

The standout feature of the Lazrus Premium Forged Golf Wedge Set for Men is its micro-milled face.

 This feature allows for great control, spin, and consistency from the fringe, fairway, or rough, meaning you can actually improve your golfing skills when using this men’s wedge set. 

The Lazrus Premium Forged Golf Wedge Set for Men is ideal for both left and right-handed golfers and is among the best wedge sets for beginner golfers looking to reduce their scores.  


  • Easy to use and lightweight enough for daily use 
  • The wedges have micro-milled faces for an increased spin, control, and consistency
  • The regular size is ideal for short golfers 
  • Ideal for right-handed and left-handed golfers 


  • Not ideal for extremely tall or short golfers since it only comes in the regular size

Important Tips for Short Golf Players

Pay Attention to Your Balance and Swing Arc

Being a short golfer doesn’t mean you should sell yourself short. There are several ways to improve your game and play to your strengths.

However, before you start thinking about winning the PGA or Masters, you’ll need to check on the width of your stance and focus on improving your overall balance.

You should always check the positioning of your feet when hitting the driver. Moving your feet inside as the club gets shorter will allow you to generate more power due to greater balance and stability.

Consider Customizing Your Golf Club

Unfortunately, buying a standard-sized golf club might not be enough to play to your strengths.

Therefore, if you find that buying pre-fitted clubs doesn’t work well for you, you should consider customizing your club after purchase to make it more suitable for your play style.

To improve your stance and swing, consider adjusting the length of the shaft as well as the lie angle.

Can Short Men Play With Ladies Golf Clubs?

Golf clubs are often categorized by gender because of the apparent height differences between women and men. On average, a standard women’s club is approximately 1 ½” – 2″ (3.81 – 5.08 cm) shorter than men’s clubs.

So yeah, men can use women’s golf clubs provided they fit well and have long enough shafts. 

However, the main challenge with men using women’s golf clubs is the shaft flex. Men golfers typically require stiff shafts due to their naturally faster swing speeds.

So before deciding to use women’s golf clubs, check on whether the shaft’s flex and weight suit your game. 

The Main Differences Between Men’s and Women’s Golf Clubs


The main difference is usually in length. As mentioned above, a regular or standard men’s club is ideal for 5’9″ tall men. On the other hand, a regular women’s club is designed for 5’7″ women. 

Women golf clubs usually have petite options for golfers shorter than 5’3″. Taller women can play with standard men’s golf clubs without any issues.

The reason behind the use of men’s clubs by tall women (5’9″ and above) is to generate extra distance with a longer club.  


On most occasions, you’ll find that women’s shafts are usually graphite, while men can choose between steel and graphite clubs.

Graphite is preferred for women due to its lower overall weight, which can hamper the swing and short accuracy during play. 

Light clubs allow ladies to generate more swing speed and consequently cover longer distances. 


Since women have naturally smaller hands compared to men, their grips tend to be thinner.

However, for men, the ideal grips are standard or midsize since they help to hold the hand in position for the right amount of contact and pressure before making hits. 

If you’re a guy considering playing with women’s golf grips or vice versa, then you might need to customize to ensure the club makes the right contact with your palm.  


Men’s clubs are designed to have less loft than women’s golf clubs. This is because female golfers are often disadvantaged when it comes to launching power.

The extra loft will ensure the ball gets higher in the air and flies a bit further than would be the case with men’s golf clubs. 

You might want to consider putting a light enough shaft in a men’s clubhead if you can manage fairly high clubhead speeds. 


Besides the fact that most, if not all, modern women’s golf clubs are made from graphite to reduce overall weight, the light grips and clubhead also contribute to these clubs’ lightweight nature. 

If you’re a man considering to use women’s golf clubs due to your short stature, you might want to customize the shaft and change them to steel to add a bit of weight. 

Identifying an Extremely Long Golf Club


This is arguably the most obvious way to identify an extremely long golf club. As you might be aware, measuring golf clubs’ length isn’t just about observing the shaft lengths.

You’ll need to measure your height and the wrist to floor length.  

Your wrist to floor length is crucial because it affects your posture when swinging the club.

Therefore, once you take the necessary measurements, you can now compare it with standard-sized golf clubs to see if you’ll need to make any modifications to suit your game. 

In case you choose to buy used golf clubs, don’t hesitate to inquire whether any modifications were made, as this will help you understand the custom changes that’ll be required. 


Do you have to stand very upright to shoot the ball off the tee? If your answer is yes, then you’re probably using a long golf club. 

Dealing with extra long golf clubs will almost certainly affect your game. You’ll feel as though you have little control over the movement and impact of the golf club, and as you might be aware, maintaining a proper spine angle is critical to improving your swing. 

Therefore, if you’re not comfortable when holding your golf club in place, chances are you need a slightly shorter club. Don’t hesitate to go to your local club for measurements, and consequently, modify your clubs. 

Proper Takeaway

When using an extra-long club, you will feel like it’s getting in the way of your shot. You’ll most probably feel like you don’t have enough room to manage a proper takeaway.

To minimize this error, your hands will naturally swing the club on an outside path, all to keep the club well-positioned from your body. 

With a well-fitted club, you should find it easy to position the club back straight along the line without any difficulties.

Ball Flight

If you’re a right-handed golfer using an extra-long club, you’ll probably notice the ball traveling a bit too high towards the left. 

However, this problem might prove hard to spot because other flaws can lead to improper ball flight, but in case you feel that even your perfect swings fail to yield much success, then you should consider looking into the length of your golf club. 

Heavy Shaft

Does your club feel difficult to handle and cumbersome? If so, then perhaps you’re playing with an excessively long club. Men playing with long clubs are likely to feel the impact of the weight when using steel clubs. 

Be wary of an excessively heavy golf club as it might make you lose distance and consequently find it hard to recover.

Toe Shots

Another easy way to determine whether your golf clubs are extremely long for you is to check on which part of the club you’re making the shot with. 

If you’re using a long club, you will naturally position your body far from the golf ball to allow for full extension of the club. On most occasions, this might lead to toe shots whereby you miss the sweet spot and hit with the ball with the club’s toe.

What to Do if Your Golf Clubs Are Too Long

Due to the challenges associated with finding perfect-fitting golf clubs, it isn’t unusual for short players to purchase extra-long golf-clubs.

Luckily, buying long golf clubs isn’t the end of the world. Consider observing the following tips to get your perfect-sized clubs. 

Try to Custom Order Your Golf Clubs

In terms of size, women golfers are more likely to find the perfect fits. This is because women’s golf clubs are designed to be short enough to accommodate their often-small stature.

A standard women’s golf club might be considered short when compared to men’s clubs. 

If you’re a short man and don’t want to custom fit your golf clubs at your local club, then you might consider settling for women’s golf clubs or even teen sets.

Either way, you’ll need to be extra careful to get your sizes right, lest you end up with another oversized set. 

Adjust Your Clubs

Once you know your proper lengths, you can opt to adjust your clubs to suit your game. However, it’s advisable to do so if you’re skilled in club fitting, weighting, and balancing.

If you’re relatively green about golf club modifications, it’s advisable to steer clear of personal customization.  

Consider trying a golf club repair shop or a local fitting club that specializes in adjusting golf clubs to meet the player’s strategy and swing technique.

Club fitting experts usually have the right measuring devices and tools to ensure you get perfect-sized clubs.  

Final Takeaway

Now that we have discussed some of the best golf clubs for short players, you should be well-placed to pick one that suits your needs. 

Disclaimer: It’s important to know your wrist to floor length to get a perfect fitting club that meets your golfing needs. Don’t be in too much of a hurry to buy a golf club before understanding what shaft length is ideal for your game.

How Much Does It Cost to Reshaft a Golf Club?

If you’re a new golfer, reshafting your golf club heads is something you have probably never thought about. There are a lot of different costs associated with being an avid golfer and keeping your club heads and reshafting them might be one of those costs. So, how much does it cost to reshaft a golf club?

To reshaft a golf club, you’re likely to spend between $20 to $200 per club. The cost of reshafting your golf clubs will vary greatly depending on where you go to have it done. The cost will depend on the cost of the labor, the number of clubs, and the cost of the new shafts. 

Let’s take a closer look at how much it costs to reshaft a golf club.

What is a golf club shaft?

The shaft is the part of the golf club that connects the grip to the head of the club. This part of the club comes in various lengths and flex levels to match the swing speed of the golfer. This is important to keep in mind when you go to reshaft any of your clubs. It’s also tapered, with the top being wider than the bottom. 

It’s also important to know that shafts are many from different materials as well and this will impact the overall cost it takes to reshaft them. You’ll find a list of the different types of shafts below.

  • Steel – There are two types of steel shafts: stepped steel and rifle steel. Stepped steel is used to reduce the diameter of the shaft between the two ends; rifle steel is smooth from top to bottom.
  • GraphiteThese types of shafts are less durable and typically more expensive.
  • Multi-material – This type of shaft is a combination of steel and graphite shafts.
  • TitaniumSince this material is lighter than steel, the shaft is lightweight and absorbs more vibrations than steel.

Nanofuse – A Nanofuse shaft is made from a carbon fiber sublayer fused with a nanocrystalline alloy.

Reasons Why You Would Have to Reshaft a Golf Club

You might be wondering what instances warrant reshafting your golf club. There are two major times when you’re going to need a reshaft. The first is pretty straight forward: when the club breaks. The second isn’t likely something you’d think of: when your ball’s flight pattern isn’t delivering the desired results.

When the Shaft Breaks

Now, this is pretty straight forward as mentioned above. When the shaft on your golf club breaks, you’ll need to replace it. It isn’t something that can be easily repaired. This part of the club controls all of the power of your swing as you hit the ball. 

Fixing a broken shaft is going to reduce the strength it has overall. The best option is to replace it completely. Fortunately, if this is the only reason for reshafting your club, it’s less likely to break the bank since it shouldn’t be your entire set.

Changes in Flight Pattern

Believe it or not, this can be a common reason why a golfer would need to reshaft his or her club set. When you start out as a golfer, your swing will be different from it is after golfing for four years. 

Often a new golfer is fitted for their first club set. This is fine in the beginning, but you should be aware that you may end up needing to reshaft your clubs eventually. It’s easy to outgrow your shafts as you gain more experience and figure out what swing works for you. You might find that you need a shaft with more flex in it.

Check out this video below for when to reshaft your golf clubs:

Why Does the Cost Vary So Much?

There are three main reasons why the cost to reshaft your golf clubs can vary so much. It will depend on the number of clubs you’re working on, the cost of labor, and the cost of the new shafts. Needless to say, it can rack up quite a bill.
A great suggestion is to check out three to five different clubs before committing to one place. This way, you can compare prices and choose the one that works best for you.

Number of Golf Clubs

This is going to greatly impact the overall cost. If you’re only looking to reshaft one club, it could end up being an inexpensive bill. If you need to reshaft more or even all of your clubs, it could mean handing out more money. However, there is a chance that you may get a discount if you reshaft them in bulk. It’s always best to ask, just in case.

Cost of Labor

Another factor to consider when getting a golf club reshafted is the cost of the service. You can get this done at a lot of golf clubs or stores that sell golf equipment. Stores like Dick’s Sporting Goods will charge you a service fee, but clubs may offer you a discount if you’re a member. 

Below you’ll find a table with a few examples of the costs it could take to reshaft a golf club.

CompanyCost of Reshaft Service 
Golf Town$15 plus the cost of the shaft
Austad’s Golf Club – $20 plus the cost of the shaftSteel Shaft – $25 plus the cost of shaftGraphite Shaft – Varies by type
Golf Works$19.95 plus the cost of the shaft

Cost of the New Shafts

Prices for the different types of shafts will factor into how much it costs to reshaft your clubs. As mentioned above, there are many kinds of shafts you can buy for your clubs. 

Of course, the price of the shaft is going to vary by brand. It will also depend on the length of the shaft as well as the intended use. For example, a shaft for a putter will be cheaper than a shaft for an iron. 

The material of the shaft will also change the cost of it. As mentioned above, graphite shafts are typically more expensive than steel ones, but they’re great for a lighter shaft. They will make your swing speed faster if that is something you need.

Steel shafts are heavier and much more durable. However, you’re likely to see your golf balls won’t go as far as they might with a graphite shaft. While you lose out on some of the control, you will save a bit in cost. Steel shafts are generally cheaper than graphite ones.

Should You Reshaft a Golf Club Yourself?

Now, you might be thinking to yourself that you’ll save money by reshafting the club yourself. That could be the case. If you have some experience with it, then doing the job yourself might be your best bet. However, if you’re unsure of the process, it might be best to get a professional to take a look.

It will vary slightly depending on if you’re using a steel or graphite shaft. If you’re inclined to reshafting your club by yourself, you also risk doing the job incorrectly, which could be more costly to fix. It’s always a good idea to get quotes and at the very least, talk with a pro if you can.

Check out the video below for an easy to follow step by step guide to reshafting your golf clubs:


Dealing with the maintenance of your golf clubs can be time consuming and expensive. Whether your shaft broke during a game, or it’s simply not the right size, the thought of reshafting your clubs can be daunting. Hopefully, this article has helped determine how much it costs to reshaft a golf club.